Location: In Aalfoten, Bremanger municipality, the county of Sogn og Fjordane.
BJØRNDALEN HPP is a river HPP consisting of one FRANCIS aggregate at installed capacity 5,5 MVA. The waterway stars at a dam with a tunnel, thereafter a penstock leading water into the power plant located 394 m above sea level. The power station is located close to a lake which also is representing pool (magazine) for existing power plant at sea level.
Main data:
Head: 98 m
Turbine: 1 pc horizontal FRANCIS turbine
Turbine speed: 600 rpm
Generator: 1 pc INDAR generator 600 rpm, 5,5 MVA
Transformer: 1 pc HYUNDAI Power transformer, 5,5 MVA, 66 / 6,6, kV
El/control/switchgear system also supplied by MultiControl AS / MiniHydro
Production: 20 GWh (??)